In Muzaffarnagar in Uttar Pradesh, a student was beaten by allegedly BJP workers and Bajrang Dal. Reason, for questioning and criticizing the BJP government on job crisis in India.
The youth Adnan critiqued the government and Modi for the lack of jobs and high unemployment rate on a news channel. When he was at a park when interview by a journalist.
In Muzaffarnagar, BJP workers brutally thrashed a youth who confronted govt's claim over job and education during an election special segment hosted by senior journalist @narendrauptv for his channel. Mob can be heard calling the youth a terrorist.
— Piyush Rai (@Benarasiyaa) March 6, 2019
While he was speaking to the reporter the goons pounced on him and began hitting him. They also called him a “Terrorist”
Asaduddin Owaisi, AIMIM chief said that the BJP government resorting to calling people “terrorist” for questioning the government and unable to provide employment which is at the highest in the last 40 years.
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