Calum and the Whale is Making their debut at the London Fringe Festival, 2018!
On the northwest shores of Cape Breton Island, a young man plans an ultimate adrenaline stunt – swimming into the open mouth of a humpback whale as it feeds. This dramatized song cycle musical features an experienced cast of six.
Written by: David A. Buckley
Cast: Lliam Buckley, Keirah Buckley, Naidan Buckley, Thaesha Buckley, Jordyn Taylor, and James Petrasiunas
The gripping musical is really well played out by this young group of performers. The music is enchanting and the voices by these teenagers do all justice to the core story. A beautiful story narrated in an emotional manner. You will smile and feel bad as these performers take us through the journey of Calum.
The performance touches upon a very sensitive subject of environmental protection and makes one think ‘Are we doing enough?’
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