Kashmir politics: Unresolved conflict is the cause of deaths in Kashmir. This is what former chief minister said who went to mourn the death of SHO Arshad Ahmed who lost his life in a fidayeen attack a few days ago at Anantnag.
By issuing this statement Ms Mufti not only insulted the cause for which Arshad laid down his life but she preferred a criminal silence on Pakistan sponsored terrorism which is the root cause of deaths, destruction, devastation and Arshad’s killing.
All the Kashmir based mainstream politicians and political parties always prefer to turn a blind eye to the fact that miseries that Kashmiris are facing since last thirty years. All because of the continuous support of Pakistan to the terrorist activities in Kashmir. These politicians want this situation of uncertainty to prolong so that they exploit this situation to benefited politically as well as to loot the funds that for the development of the state.
These families who have ruled Kashmir post independence have worked as a block between the people of Kashmir and the union of India. They are a big source of hatred and misunderstanding between the people of Kashmir and India. Till these politicians and political parties continue to rule Kashmir the hatred. And misunderstanding between kashmiris and union of India will remain intact.
Kashmir politics:
Its for Kashmiris if they want to see an end to all these miseries. The Kashmiris will have to seriously think beyond these few families. Let kashmiris try new people and new faces to end this exploitation which is only harming a common Kashmiri. But, benefits these few families on the cost of whole of Kashmir.
BJP had to mid way divorce the coalition which they formed after 2014 elections with PDP. PDP’s anti national agenda, loot, plunder and the way jobs were sold forced BJP to end their coalition with PDP. I hope that BJP will have learned lessons from the past and will not enter into a coalition with these family based political parties which have dragged Kashmir away from the national mainstream. Coming days and elections will be testing for BJP. And they will have to prove it to the whole nation that they will not join hands; with those who have ruined Kashmir and have pushed Kashmiris towards terrorism and separatism. If BJP like 2014 prefers to enter into a coalition with one of these family based parties. Then it will be no different to that of Congress. Hope better sense prevails.
In conclusion, what are your thoughts?
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