Life Hacks

Getting divorce? If you are a MAN you should do this


Divorce: Things husband can do in ongoing court cases against wife:

1- File an application to call upon all bank account details of wife – This helps in revealing the actual financial position of wife which eventually helps in deciding maintenance.

2- Screenshots of abusing language/ voice recordings/ video recordings are very much valid and considered as evidence. Try to collect as much as evidence you can.

3- Exempt the appearances of parents in domestic violence case- On filing an application, the parents will not have to come to court. The exemption mostly allowed.

4- Husband’s mother can also file a domestic violence case against wife. Mother of husband have right to file DV case against wife. If wife has committed cruelty, violence etc on mother of husband.

5- Show the lifestyle of wife: Produce pictures in which she is wearing brands, reveal her facebook account, social status, outing pictures, vacation pictures, her friends etc. This will help in proving that wife was living happily and was not a victim of cruelty or domestic violence.

6- Maintain your good conduct- Husband’s have to maintain a good conduct before the court. Appearing on every date of hearing, submitting documents before time or on time etc.

But, always behave in the best interests of the children. They are not hostages, it’s their right to see both parents, not the other day round. Don’t try and turn the kids against the other parent. We have seen some despicable behavior by the custodial parent. You’re the grownup. Behave like one.

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