Randeep Hooda Volunteers :
Randeep Hooda :
Due to global warming caused by man’s selfish need fulfilling activities. The whole world is suffering from a huge natural imbalance. Certainly we can see a huge impact in India. Being it a vast country and high population ratio. Also, due to lack of capital we are generally unable to recover properly from natural calamities like flood, drought,etc.
On this note Randeep Hooda, the renowned Bollywood actor. Famous for his role in the movie “Highway”. Has recently joined a team of volunteers to help people who are struggling with drought in a village near Nashik in Maharashtra.
Hooda went along with the UK based international humanitarian relief organisation Khalsa Aid team to the drought hit village in Vele to provide them with drinking water. He also posted an Instagram video talking about the drought prone villages asking for some permanent solution by the government.
“There is a major shortage of water all over the country.. in Maharashtra near Nashik Village Vele with Khalsa Drop Counts be as prudent as you can.” He captioned the video.
Hooda volunteering video
In the video you can clearly see the worst condition people of our country going through. And how the volunteers are providing them drinking water by filling the huge vessels carried by them. And of course one can’t miss the long Que, villagers are standing in for a little amount of water.
This was not the first time, Randeep has taken a step towards helping the needy. He has constantly been a part of many welfare communities and has also volunteered in cleaning the Juhu beach mission.
Right now Maharashtra is suffering from a severe drought condition with just 7% of water left for consumption. It has affected the life of the residents badly and specially the small city areas.
Apart from Maharashtra, many other states are suffering from drought conditions and water shortage like Telangana, Andra Pradesh, Karnataka, Gujarat and Rajasthan.
Work front
Regarding work, Randeep recently wrapped up the shooting of Imtiaz Ali’s next upcoming film. He was last spotted five years ago in the movie “Highway”.
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