True Lies and Hump
by Ehsaan Nashad
Not just a normal Bollywood love story of two young people, but a book based on reality. It’s a book that is so easy to relate to. True Lies and Hump is a debut novel written by an amazing writer and author, Ehsaan Nashad, who released this book in the year 2011. It is a romantic-tragedy novel, also a bestseller.
The story mainly revolves around Sahil, who initially is shown as a guy who’s enjoying his youth and would take everything lightly- until he meets a girl who makes him realize his worth. She makes him question everything about his life. And when he comes to the realization that he can be more than what he is, he starts with a new chapter in his life. The girl turns the humorous witty Sahil, into a person who’s more mature and serious than before and takes responsibility for his actions.
True Lies and Hump
The story tells us about the youth, college days, and how one careless man can turn into a wise one with the help of some light and some love. With a girl who’s the dearest to him, the most beautiful girl for him; he learns how someone can be so pure and innocent and bring so much positive changes in one’s life. The man who never believed in love for himself, turned out to experience the purest form of it- and of course, the pain of love along with it. Such powerful messages were given in this book. I could not hold my tears and emotions back while reading the ending. It is definitely one of my favorites.
Have you got your book yet? If not, I would highly recommend you to check it out. Leave your comment below, if you have felt the magic of True Lies and Hump.
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