Breastfeeding also called nurturing is basically feeding young children, newborn babies with the milk from woman’s breast. Rather mother’s breast. It’s just like a drug that develops the child right after his birth. The moment he steps out in this world that very moment a new bond is meant within the mother and the child. This bond gives him the power to survive and fight for his whole entire life.
The power of nourishment that a mother’s breast milk can give could not be substituted. It builds immunity of the little ones. Help their body function. And also let them grow step by step. If provided properly it’s like an aid to the child for his entire life.As per the pediatrician breast milk has to be given to the child till 2 years of his life. But sometimes it’s not possible for the mother to continue breastfeeding by obeying all the restrictions. So, it’s essential to breastfeed the child at least for the first 6 months of the child after birth.
Breast milk not only creates a bond of care and security within the mother and the child but helps in holistic development.Starting from his brain to the immunity system everything priorly depends upon the breast milk.
But here comes another fact hesitation. More than 85% of Indian women hesitate even talking about breastfeeding. They feel shy and avoid public places to feed their child. In this case women are more cautious than men. But the fact is also that our society wants a healthy child but considering breastfeeding in the public is a sin.
Proper Knowledge Of Breastfeeding Is Needed
To curb the societal issues and to provide knowledge. Every year World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated from August 1 to 7. With an aim to encourage breastfeeding and improve the health of babies across the globe. As per the UNICEF report, about 60% of the world’s total infants are missing out of recommended six months of exclusive breastfeeding.
It was first observed in 1992. By World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) and is now celebrated in more than 120 countries. By UNICEF, WHO and their partners including individuals, organizations, and governments.
During this week some camps are put on to share knowledge about mother and child’s health, importance of breast milk and other related elements. Knowledge plays a vital role in improvement and to provide knowledge games like quiz and other small fun activities are put on. It’s an initiative towards better health and progress. As remember breast milk is not a choice it’s a responsibility. Care your baby there are many starving for this care.
Do not give any other substance than mother’s breast milk at least till 6 moths after birth. And if your breastfeeding offends others tell them to feel free to put a blanket on their head. Because it’s not a sin but a gift of nature. Nourish it.
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