Almost all of us know the pain to be ‘Just friends’ with your ex-partner. You guys might have spent some quality time together, had nasty fights and after you have split, every small thing could remind you about him or her. But say, if the reason for your break up was by mutually agreement, it is possible to accept your past and stay friendly with your ex-partner. Here’s how you can turn your heart-break into a pleasant nonphysical friendship.
First and foremost, everybody needs some time after the break up to forget, forgive and leave behind everything. Take your time to analyze the things that went wrong in your relationship and face your feelings. Once you are confident that you have moved on from all the things that was bothering you, it is the correct time to be friends with your ex-partner.
Once you have convinced yourself that the break up was the right choice for both of you, you also need to be certain that your ex-partner feels the same way. It will be awkward to be friends, when either of you is still in love and desires to get back to the relationship.
Breakup was correct
There is nothing wrong in hanging-out with each other but both must follow some basic rules. Initially, it will be better to meet over a cup of coffee rather than beer or drinks, since it might result in arguments or you might end up doing something which you will regret later. Do not visit ‘romantic’ places that you and your partner went often to, when you were together. This might bring back bitter memories. Only when you are sure that you both have completely moved on, go for night outs or weekend trips.
Big No No
Through this new friendship, stay truthful to yourself about your feelings. Go ahead with your decision, only when you are 100% confident that he or she is just a friend. Also, do not to get back into the previous patterns of chatting the entire day and night, calling often to share little things or doing things that he or she loves. Mostly, avoid giving any wrong signals. Your past is past for a reason. You need to be very cautious that you do not end up hurting yourself emotionally again.
You need to value the friendly bond that you both share after the break-up and help one another to become a stronger individual. Therefore, make it a must rule that none of you, do anything that gives false expectations or hope to the other person. Stop talking about your previous sexual affairs. Flirting even in a casual manner is an absolute no-no. Hope we don’t have to explain why?
Life never stops and it is for sure that your ex-partner will date another person after your break-up. Will you be totally unaffected by this choice, and still be fine seeing them in a new relationship? If your reply is yes, then congratulations! You have passed the final test to prove that you are no longer having a broken heart. Moreover, it only shows you have been a loyal friend and an understanding ex-partner. Good luck to you!
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