No Women No Life : “Beti Bachao Beti Padhao” is one of those things that echos all over the country. Loads of people are investing their days and sleeps in up positioning the girls or rather the Women in this mail dominated filthy society. Which doesn’t even have a proper essence of women in it.
But what is the use of spending so much of attention, time and effort on an issues which is inevitable. Yes we see and observe that the ratio of girls in the society is rising day by day. But is it an all round growth or just part of the country is bettering. Yes i know you all will think anything is better than nothing.
You all are right but since last few years we have achieved that goal by spreading awareness in a section of society. Now it’s time of not feeling proud of the better section of the society but to raise our focus to the section which we hardly see through.
Let’s have a glance on the situation of one of the villages in India before forming any new conclusions.
132 villages in Uttarkashi district in Uttarakhand revealed that no girl child was born in these areas in the last three months. According to data, 216 children were born in 132 villages of the district in the last three months, but not a single girl was among the newborns, which has left the district administration bemused.
“We have identified areas where the number of girl childbirth is zero or in single-digit numbers. We are monitoring these areas to find out what is affecting the ratio. A detailed survey and study will be conducted to identify the reason behind it.” Said Ashish Chauhan The District Magistrate.
After knowing the actual condition of these villages The district Magistrate held an emergency meeting with ASHA workers. And asked them to increase awareness in these areas and submit a report over the data.
Gangotri legislator Gopal Rawat was also present at the meeting.
“No girls child was born for three months in these villages. It cannot be just a coincidence. This clearly indicates female foeticide is taking place in the district. The government and the administration are not doing anything.”Said Kalpana Thakur the worker. She alleged that zero girl child birth clearly indicated the prevalence of female foeticide.
“Shocking sex ratio data has come up in the district. It raises a question on the centre’s Beti Bachao Beti Padhao scheme. The numbers clearly show that female foeticide is taking place. The administration needs to take strict actions to put an end to this.” Said Senior journalist Shiv Singh Thanval. He even requested the government to take some strict actions.
It was really shocking to come across such issues prevailing in a country. Which is working it’s heart and soul to eradicate the issues. Really heart-weeping and shocking. We truly don’t know what’s happening in our own country even after having a we know it all attitude.
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