Reservation a word that’s itchy for most of us. A whole big wide topic to debate in this whole big wide country. With more than 9 religions, 3000 castes and 25000 sub-caste India is one of the most diverse country in this world.
But we all know with diversity comes variety of opinions, choices, riots and differentiation. Many of us have a thought about reservations some on a positive side others might be on negative. We debate, protest, complain and cry over it. Blaming and degrading others of being in the reserved category.
And many of us think it’s a waste as those actual people who deserve it are not really getting it. Rather are far far away from even having a knowledge of it. And others who gets the benefit are kids of a wealthy class who has full facility and a reservation tag.
Yeah it hurts many as they say we have this opportunity why will we waste it. But before blaming the bad spoilt rules of our country. Don’t you think we should also blame ourselves that we get so busy in our lives that we do nothing to help those who really deserve these reservations to grow. We all know even if a single child in the house gets a good education. The whole family flourishes.
But according to us a king’s son would be the next king. Doctor’s son would be a doctor. WHY??? We think we are not orthodox rather progressive in nature but the reality is we are still the same as the past generations.
Cast, religion, color , creed is really different thing don’t judge people by it. Let those grow who needs to grow.
We feel happy and proud on the paper facts. See our country is growing on a great scale but can really see the growth or any difference since last 10 years. Yeah it might be possible the beggar who used to sit near the tree is now sitting near the red light. But the beggar is still there and so are we.
Reservation : Let’s have a look on What Kerala high court judge has say:
Recently a sitting judge in Kochi has started a debate on weather reservations should be on the basis of community and caste alone. Emphasizing that Brahmans “being twice born” and blessed with “all good qualities rolled into one.” Can’t exclude them for voicing concern over the absence of a quota system based on economic criteria.
In a viral video of recent Tamil Brahmans Global Meet, Justice V Chitambaresh can be heard saying “it’s time for you (Brahmans).” To question the basis of reservation. “Occupying a constitutional post, it may not be proper for me to express any opinion. I’m not expressing my opinion. I’m only reminding you that there is a platform for you to agitate or to voice your concerns about reservation.”
An ironic statement
He adds, “There is 10% reservation for economically backward classes. But a son of a Brahman cook, even if he falls within the non-creamy layer zone, will not get any reservation whereas a son of a timber merchant — who belongs to ‘other backward communities’ — will get a reservation if he’s within the non-creamy layer zone. It’s time for you to deliberate and put forward your views.” While arguing that Brahmans being denied any kind of reservation may be unfair, he didn’t hold back in describing the “qualities” that seemingly make a Brahman first among equals.
Saying all these he wasn’t focused on the well being of the poor section of the society but was only focusing on the betterment of the Brahmans who are still considered to be the superior class.
Here comes the biggest irony of the whole matter he said about having reservations not no the basis of caste but economic criteria.
Talking about economic welfare emphasizing on the Brahmans. The biggest joke made by a judge taking decisions of life and death in the court.
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